How To Distinguish Between Needs and Wants

Ricky Irfandi
2 min readJun 7, 2020
Photo by Jordan Rowland on Unsplash

Maybe most of you’ve been realized if we want to save money, we should buy something that we need, not what we want. Because the things that we want (desire) isn’t so important in our lives and it will never-ending. So if you want to save money, or if you have a limited amount of money, You should know how to distinguish between needs and desires. I will share a couple of questions we have to ask ourselves before we buy something.

”If I didn’t buy these things, will there be a problem in my life?”

Something that we need is playing significant roles in our lives. If we don’t have that thing, there will be trouble in our lives. Otherwise, if we don’t have that thing and our lives are doing okay, then that’s just a wants.

“When did I start feeling like I wanted to buy that thing?”

Maybe you are wondering why this question matter. Because if you need anything, usually you already planned to buy it for some time, it didn’t appear so suddenly. While if we want something, we didn’t have a plan to buy it. It just appears.

Let’s take an example. You feel content with your life and all those things you got. One day, you scroll through the e-Commerce app and found cute things. Suddenly you want that thing so bad and want to buy it right now. That’s what we called wants. Another example is when we open someone else’s stories and found out that they just bought a new phone, then we suddenly want a new phone too.

Additional question, “If someone else doesn’t know if I bought this, am I still alright ?”

I already explain this question in my previous stories here. In a nutshell, If we need these things, It’s okay if we bought it and someone else doesn’t know. But sometimes, we want something just because we want to show off or prove our selves.

